Ladies perfume makes you smell beautiful. A fragrance can make you smell feminine, sexy, mysterious, clean, or fresh. What you smell like matters. Your scent can affect you and those next to you. Smells can summon up many memories, both good and bad. The fragrance, the name, and the bottle of your ladies perfume really does matter.

A scent can stir up many memories. The scent of your lady perfume can give you flirty sexy feelings, or fresh energetic feelings. A fragrance can make you feel more confident of romantic. The sense of smell is a very powerful sense. What we smell like can either bring up good memories or bad memories. Each occasion requires a certain scent as well. Wear a light scent when you are meeting new people. Wear a musky scent when you are going on a date. Make sure you are choosing the right perfume to bring up good memories.


Do ladies perfume names matter to you? The name of a fragrance should not matter, because all that really matters is the scent. However, the name does matter. The name can bring up different emotions as well. Some names will turn me right off from even smelling whatever is in the bottle. Unfortunately, we cannot change the name of a perfume. However, there are plenty of options to choose from. You are bound to find a sweet smelling scent with a name that you love.

What about the bottle? The bottle that holds the fragrance should not matter either. There are some beautiful lady perfume bottles out there on the beauty shelves today, however some bottle designs seem to have had no thought put into them at all. Many perfume bottles of the past were elegant and intricately designed. If you do not like your perfume bottle try looking for a beautiful bottle at an antique shop and transfer your fragrance into that bottle. Elegant perfume bottles adoring your vanity look so beautiful and they make you feel more beautiful even before you spray the scent on.

Do you like wearing a signature scent or do you like wearing a variety of the best ladies perfumes? A signature scent can be so comforting and familiar to you, which can bring peace of mind. Although, changing up your fragrance can make life more exciting and fun. Perhaps, you need one signature scent and a few other fragrances in your perfume collection as well. Why not have it all? Life is too short, to deny yourself such wonderful sweet smelling luxuries. Conjure up some good memories by starting a new ladies perfume collection.

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By Egypt Eve

Egypt Eve Website Editor

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