As a woman no matter what your body type and what your figure, no matter how tall you are whether you were blessed with great height or whether you are vertically challenged there is one style of ladies shoes that will always flatter you and make you look your best. This one style of shoes has always been a favourite with fashionable women around the world and is synonymous in common culture with everything that is sexy and the epitome of feminine grace.

We are talking about the much loved and recently much maligned as well style of ladies high heel shoes. Ladies and men as well have always known that the simple act of putting on a pair of high heel shoes makes any woman carry herself differently and adds an instant air of sexiness to the way she walks. Podiatrists and back doctors have now confirmed this in the last few decades in more bland terms by conducting extensive research that indicates that they actually do change the way that women walk by stretching out the arch of the sole and making them walk with a gait in which they put their toes down first.

This is the strut that has long been the one so much in demand and the reason for much of the popularity of women’s high heel shoes. Podiatrists have cautioned women now about wearing these kinds of shoe styles for any extended period of time. Well, even though women should pay heed to these warnings the truth is that very few women wear high heel shoes all day and an even smaller number of women do any kind of work in high heel shoes.

For the women that do, there are risks of lower back injury and long term damage to the back muscles and tendons as the gait that one must assume while wearing high heel shoes puts a lot of extra strain on the muscles in the calves, the thighs and the lower back and over extended periods of time this can cause these muscles to get inflamed and if ignored can even cause long term damage to the tissue.

The answer is to wear these kinds of shoes with care and to be smart about wearing ladies high heel shoes. If you are going out to a party or a dinner carry them with you instead of wearing them before you leave home.



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By Egypt Eve

Egypt Eve Website Editor

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