No matter what state your relationship is in, if you and your partner are willing, you can take your relationship from good to great in a few short, well planned and fun steps.
Are you up for the challenge? Are you ready to do some work, and have some fun? If so, then read on.
Here are some great things to do take your relationship to a new level in just a few short hours:
1. Dance to your wedding song thing evening – talk about bringing back memories. This is powerful for restoring good feelings.
2. Laugh together – find something to laugh about
3. Reinvent date night – Head to your room with a bottle of wine and some take out and get it on.
4. Get a hotel – Just a change of location can do wonders
5. Cook together – creating something together does wonders
6. Feed him – If it’s beer and buffalo wings he loves, stock up on it
7. Go to a spa for the day
8. Give each other a hot stone massage
9. Take a hike on a rocky trail
10. Read to each other
11. Compliment your mate, hug him and tell him you love him every day
12. Listen with your ears, heart, mind, body and soul
13. Make love every night for a week
14. Write him a love note and leave it in his shoe
15. Find an indoor and an outdoor game you both love and do it
16. Do something that makes you happy
Be adventurous, try some or all of these things. Just do something that makes your relationship better than it was yesterday.
Don’t just stop there.
Make Your Marriage A Priority
This is the time to pay attention to your relationship. If you had a wounded foot would you ignore it? No. Just like a wounded physical part of you, relationships in crisis need care.
Here are some more ideas:
1. Pay attention to your partner by giving him or her your undivided attention
2. Hire a sitter whether you have plans or not
3. Cut back on activities that take you away from home
4. Cut your commute and work hours even just a little
5. Spend 20 minutes per day writing down what you love about your partner
6. Try a new activity with your partner at least once a month
After you’ve tried everything on this list, go back and try it again until you have created the relationship of your dreams.