Most of us are exhausted after work. Not just physically exhausted, but mentally and emotionally as well. Unfortunately, we tend to bring the stress of work home with us and that leaves us feeling completely drained. When we feel this way we are not productive at home and we tend to snap and act cross toward family members. So what can we do to help relieve the stress we acquire during the work day so we can have a pleasant home life?

  1. Use your commute. If you drive to and from work, many times the traffic can only add to your frustration and stress. There are several different ways that you can help to reduce commuter stress. If it is possible, consider using mass transit instead of driving yourself. You can use the commute time to read or listen to music – both of which can be very calming activities. No matter what, don’t use your commute home to do more work. This is your time to make the transition from work to home – use it wisely! If mass transit isn’t an option, try changing your driving route to something less congested. Also consider what you listen to on the way home. Stay away from news or talk radio and even some music stations. All the talking and commotion from ads can cause you to feel agitated. Instead listen to relaxing music – perhaps jazz or new age. Listen to something that makes you feel relaxed, but not sleepy! You still need to drive home!


  2. Unwind at home. When you get home don’t instantly throw yourself into a project or home chores. Go to a quiet room and read, meditate or just lie down for a while. It is amazing how recharged you will feel if you take a short nap after a stressful day. Your mind needs some time to switch gears and decompress. By spending even 15 minutes in a quiet area free from noise and chaos you can have that time to regroup and start fresh.
  3. Exercise. When you are feeling stressed and anxious you have excess energy. The best way to release that energy is through exercise. Go for a walk or a run. Ride a bike or throw a ball with your kids. You will be releasing the pent up stress energy and doing something that is good for your body at the same time.
  4. Avoid harmful substances. Many people use alcohol or other substances for stress relief. While these things may help for a while, you run the risk of becoming dependent and then you have another set of issues. Alcohol may make you think you are relieving the stress, but you are actually avoiding it. When the effects of the alcohol wears off the issues will still be there. It is better to confront your stress head on rather than avoid it. In addition to alcohol, cigarettes are a way to find stress relief. However, like alcohol you run the risk of addiction and the added stress of health problems later in life.
  5. Eat healthy. A common way to deal with stress is to eat. Unfortunately, people don’t usually choose fruits and vegetables to snack on when they are stressed! It is the salty and sweet treats that we crave. Make sure you have a good selection of healthy snacks on hand both at home and at work. Tuck an apple or banana in your bag to eat on the way home. If you have a healthy snack close at hand you are less likely to binge on junk.

Everyone faces stress during their workday. You don’t have to change jobs or feel stressed all the time to deal with it. Just practice these simple stress relief techniques and you will find the peace and serenity you crave.

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By Egypt Eve

Egypt Eve Website Editor

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